Appraisal & Programme document finalisation of the project for Agro-Business Induced Growth in the Amhara National Regional State in Ethiopia (Agro-BIG)
The overall objective of Agro-BIG is to contribute to poverty reduction through agriculture based economic growth. The Programme Purpose is Increased value addition of selected agricultural commodities through Agro-business development and capacity building of all stakeholders along the value chain to facilitate improved market access.
The overall objective of Agro-BIG is to contribute to poverty reduction through agriculture based economic growth. The Programme Purpose is Increased value addition of selected agricultural commodities through Agro-business development and capacity building of all stakeholders along the value chain to facilitate improved market access.
Component 1: Value Chain Development: This component will bring actors together and establish formal and informal linkages. Networking platforms will identify problems and solutions and develop action plans to increase profitability along the value chain.
Component 2: Service Delivery Development. This component will develop the service provision to the value chain actors to increase production, trading, processing, retailing or marketing.
Component 3: Access to finance. This component will enhance saving and credit facilities to value chain, and make funds available for research innovation and technology development to be used in the chosen value chains.
The Programme will work with a market-led value chain approach, thus supporting capacity building of all stakeholders along the value chain to facilitate improved market access for selected crops and livestock products. The Programme is designed to be aligned, to the greatest extent possible, with the World Bank managed Agriculture Growth Project (AGP), including the management structure, M&E and reporting systems, as well as value chains selection.
Following the preparation team and quality assurance of the planned project, an appraisal mission was conducted in February – March 2011 with approximately two weeks field mission. The recommendations of the appraisal mission compared to the proposals of the planning mission created a clear need for one more preparatory mission in August 2011 to finalize the Programme Document (PD) within the framework given by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.