Annual Review of the Land Tenure Regularisation Programme
Rwanda DFID is leading donor support for the national roll-out of the Land Tenure Regularisation (LTR) Programme. The project is helping the Government of Rwanda to issue registered and legal title to the owners of the estimated 10.3 million parcels of land in Rwanda and issue each land holder. It is also expected that the Rwanda Natural Resources Authority will be able to establish a fully functioning and self-sustaining land administration system. So far the programme has demarcated over 10 million plots of which 1.5 million parcels have been issued titles by May 2012. It is expected that a minimum 7 million clean titles will be ready to be issued at cells offices by December 2012, of which 4.9 million titles will have been issued to beneficiaries. To deliver the programme, DFID in partnership with the Government of Rwanda contracted HTSPE who are now embedded in the Rwanda Natural Resources Authority. The programme is co-financed with SIDA and Netherlands through a basket fund and with European Commission through a sector budget support to RNRA.
The aim of this assignment was to carry out an independent performance evaluation of the LTR programme. The assignment reviewed progress against the updated project log frame, assessed progress against recommendations from both the 2010 annual review and the October 2011 Mid-Term Review, and suggested the best way forward for future support to LTR.
The work involved preparatory reading followed by a country visit that involved meeting key stakeholders in the Government, the project delivery team, in the donor community and in the field of operations, beneficiaries/land holders as well as civil society organisations. Policy/decision makers in Government included both central and decentralised levels (districts and below).