Advisory Services to the Gender Equality Information Drive for Sida
Short-term consultancy to the Gender equality Division. The Division is organisationally attached to the Department for Democracy and Social Development but has responsibilities towards all of Sida's operative departments and divisions. Its role is to strengthen and integrate the gender issues in the development cooperation.
Sida's work is based on a right's perspective where analysis of power relations between women and men is an important question and gender equality is crucial when improving the lives of the poorest. Sida works multi- and bilaterally and supports NGOs in development cooperation. To promote the goal, gender equality, mainstreaming is used as a strategy and method. This includes both general and direct support to projects for the promotion of rights and empowerment of women and girls, as well as projects related to men, masculinity and how men can be involved in working towards gender equality.
The objective of development cooperation, poverty reduction, calls for an attention to gender at all levels as well as the recognition of women's human rights. Sida has been, and will continue to be, a strong voice regarding these issues in the international community. Sida's policy on Gender Equality was adopted in 2005.