Sida Framework Agreement in Agriculture, Employment and Market Development
Easy access to short term expertise for Sida and embassy staff
The framework agreement facilitates for staff at Sida and Swedish Embassies when procuring consultancy services in the areas of agriculture, employment and market development. The framework agreement with the consortium led by FCG Sweden, in cooperation with Nathan Associates, NCG Sweden and Springfield Centre, is ranked first and gives easy access to an extensive number of screened experienced professionals and reduces the administrative burden compared with a full-fledged procurement process.
How does it work?
The Framework agreement specifies different routines depending on the size of the services to be contracted.
Direct call-off of assignments up to 250 000 SEK
For assignments up to 250 000 SEK, Sida/the embassy contacts the first supplier on the list of framework consultants, that is, the consortium led by FCG Sweden, with a call-off inquiry and a Terms of Reference describing the assignment. FCG responds within five days and are able to commence the assignment within ten working days from acceptance.
If FCG declines the assignment or if there is a conflict of interest, the assignment may be moved on to the next Consultant in ranked order.
Ranking: 1st FCG Sweden, 2nd NIRAS Sweden, 3rd IPE Triple Line
Renewed Competition for contracts between 250 000-2 000 000 SEK
For assignments of 250 000 – 2 000 000 SEK, all three framework suppliers shall be invited to submit a call off response under the ‘Renewed Competition’ modality. All three suppliers are sent a call-off inquiry and a Terms of Reference and are expected to respond within a provided time frame.
The call-off responses submitted are evaluated by the procuring entity according to the criteria given in the call-off-inquiry and the supplier that best meets the evaluation criteria and is the ‘most economically advantageous tender’ is awarded the contract.
E-mail: frameworks@fcgsweden.se
For further information, contact Framework Coordinator Karin Billing.